Published inCarapaceCarapace Works With Sherlock for Smart Contract Audit With Up to $5M ProtectionCarapace Protocol will be working with Sherlock to make our contracts secure and to protect our users from capital loss due to smart…Feb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
Published inCoinmonksELI5: uint256 in Solidityuint256 is perhaps the most used value type in Solidity. And yet you might not be familiar with it if you’ve been writing a high-level…Oct 16, 20212Oct 16, 20212
Want to Speak Another Language?When I was still a small kid, my parents took me to Hawaii. I don’t remember much about the trip, but there is one moment that I can…Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020
The Century of the SelfThe first time I watched The Century of the Self, I had to stop and think many times. I had a hard time understanding some shocking points…Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
Believe You Can ChangeOur society pressures us to fit into types. You are athletic or artistic. You are an introvert or extrovert. You are emotional or logical…Jun 21, 2020Jun 21, 2020
How to Be a HeroDuring the Holocaust, Sir Nicholas Winton arranged for trains to take children out of Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia and for foster families…Jun 21, 20201Jun 21, 20201
Published inCoinmonksThe Account Nonce in Ethereum ExplainedI know it’s confusing but there are two types of a nonce in Ethereum: 1. the proof of work nonce that miners try to find to solve a hash…Jan 30, 2020Jan 30, 2020
The Easiest Way to Use Svg Files in React NativeI found that the easiest way to use svg files in React Native is toJan 5, 2020Jan 5, 2020
How “Smart” People ThinkIt has been puzzling me why an elite, b-school type of people don’t seem to think in a certain manner that aligns with good thinking. This…Jan 3, 2020Jan 3, 2020
Ethereum Gas ExplainedGas is a commodity like oil. Your car needs oil to run it. By the same token, the Ethereum Virtual Machine(EVM) needs gas to run it. Gas…Jan 3, 2020Jan 3, 2020